Thurrock Opportunities is a platform providing residents with a central place to find jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities in and around Thurrock, and help with making informed career choices.

This website also allows businesses easy access to promote their job vacancies and recruit local people, as well as discovering business development opportunities and forging links with training providers.

The website has a vast array of resources for job seekers, career changers and people looking to upskill. These include Virtual Careers fayres and webinars, links to events, FAQ’s on Apprenticeships and Traineeships and much, much more!

Where is our job data supplied from?

Our job data is supplied from Adzuna. Adzuna gather jobs from all over the internet (they estimate that they have 90-95% of job postings at any given time) and allow us to display them on our portal. By taking this approach we are able to present a comprehensive view of employment opportunities in our area.

What can an employer do to make sure their job is listed on the portal?

For a job to be listed on the portal, it must have a postcode within Thurrock and be listed on Adzuna. To make sure your job is listed on Adzuna you can either add it directly to the Adzuna platform or add it onto a platform that Adzuna pulls from.

It is free and easy to list your job on Adzuna! All you have to do it post your job at this link: Post a job - adzuna.co.uk

To find out which platforms Adzuna pulls from, do a straightforward search for jobs and view the results. You will see jobs appear from the likes of Total Jobs, Reed, Monster, CV Library etc. Then you can decide which platform is best suited to your business.

Adzuna also pulls jobs from the UK Government's Find A Job service. This may be the easiest way to make sure your job is listed on the portal.