What's an apprenticeship training agency (ATA)?

Any registered employer can take on an apprentice but if you want to employ an apprentice without the responsibility for running the apprenticeship scheme, or if you are a non-registered employer (e.g. sole trader, freelancer), you can work with an Apprentice Training Agency (ATA) from the register of approved Apprentice Training Agencies.

Apprentice Training Agencies recruit, employ and arrange training for apprentices on behalf of employers and non-registered employers.  Organisations listed on the register have been through an application process with the ESFA that considers due diligence, financial management and operational details.


This page contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.  The information is applicable to England.  It is targeted at employers who are new to apprenticeships and contains the latest information at the time of writing.  If you are an employer who is already offering apprenticeships you may be operating under different rules.  For the latest, definitive information on apprenticeships, please visit the Apprenticeships topic on Gov.uk.