Average salary at age 20
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Job holders in this unit group operate machines to prepare natural and synthetic fibres for processing, spin and twist fibre into yarn, thread, twine, rope and other similar material, and estimate the quantities of colouring matter required for printing and dyeing fabrics.Main Tasks
- Sets controls, starts machinery and monitors the passage of material processed;
- Replenishes the supply of input fibres, removes and replaces full output packages, cards and spools;
- Detects blockages, tangled thread, defective or broken material, and joins broken ends by hand or mechanical knotting;
- Checks quality of completed material, marks any flaws and removes badly damaged sections;
- Examines colour cards or specifications, estimates quantity of colouring material needed to print or dye fibre and calculates and mixes ingredients accordingly;
- Stretches, shrinks, brushes, dampens and presses fabric and shears or burns off protruding fabric fibres as required;
- Cleans and oils machine, detects and reports mechanical faults to technicians.
There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is typically provided on-the-job. NVQs/ SVQs in Manufacturing Textiles are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3.UK Prospects
Workforce Size
Predicted decline 2025 - 2035
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